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Accra, Ghana

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622 Souls Won for Christ During PENSA Cape Coast Sector Evangelism Outreach

Six hundred and twenty-two souls, including 122 children, were won during the evangelism outreach, dubbed “Body and Soul,” organised by the Cape Coast Sector of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA).

The event also saw 268 persons baptised in water by immersion, 200 individuals receive the Holy Spirit baptism, and 194 believers rededicate their lives to Christ.

The outreach was held under the leadership of Pastor Blessing Joseph Quayson, the PENSA Traveling Secretary. It took place from Tuesday, May 7th to Sunday, May 12th, 2024, at Moree District in the Cape Coast Area, under the theme, “Jesus Christ, the Only Saviour of the World” (Acts 4:12).

A three-day retreat was organised from May 4th to 6th, 2024, to prepare and equip members through prayers and teaching sessions. The participants left campus for Moree District on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, energised by the Holy Spirit to preach and win souls for Christ. Upon their arrival, they were welcomed by the District Minister, Pastor George Kweku Tackie, and his executives.

The District Pastor encouraged the students not to be afraid because the Lord was with them and would use them to perform miracles and win souls for Christ. The participants, divided into their respective zones, engaged in various activities such as fasting and prayers, morning devotion, dawn broadcasting, house-to-house evangelism, school visitations, evening services with the local assemblies, and rallies.

God manifested Himself mightily during these activities. A 19-year-old boy suffering from severe head pain that had affected his brain was miraculously healed. A woman named Aunty Akua, who had been suffering from a stroke for three months, received instant healing after intensive prayer and was able to walk. Additionally, a man who had been bedridden and unable to walk for three years was miraculously healed after intensive prayer and walked without any assistance, to the glory of God.

On Sunday, May 12th, 2024, during the closing session, the PENSA Traveling Secretary, on behalf of the students, expressed gratitude to the District Pastor and his wife, the district executives, and the entire membership for their hospitality and support during the outreach.

In total, 70 students participated in the evangelism outreach.

Report by PENSA Cape Coast Sector Media Team

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