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Apostle Hagan Calls On Youth To Imitate Christ And Transform Their World

Apostle Ebenezer Hagan, the Director of the Youth Ministry of The Church of Pentecost, has called on Christian youth to imitate Christ to transform their world.

He made this statement when he presented a sermon titled: “Imitating Jesus, Transforming My World (1 Thessalonians 1:5-8)”, at the Berea Assembly of the Ashanti Bekwa Area of The Church of Pentecost.

He revealed that the Word of God can transform believers, enabling them to positively impact others.

Apostle Hagan noted that receiving the Word of God requires a wholehearted devotion, where one desires, opens up to, and internalizes the Word.

Quoting Exodus 17:14 and Luke 2:19, he encouraged believers to record and take ownership of the Word as if it is personally directed at them. He also urged them to mix the Word with faith, as stated in Hebrews 4:2, explaining that without faith, the Word will have no lasting impact.

“When we receive the Word wholeheartedly, we experience the joy of the Holy Spirit in our hearts,” he said.

The Youth Director further explained that obedience to the Word of God is essential, referencing 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 and Hebrews 13:7-8.

He highlighted how the Thessalonians imitated the godly lifestyle of the Apostle Paul, encouraging the youth to do the same by maintaining close relationships with people who live godly lives.

He reminded them not to imitate the mistakes of others, but to focus on those whose lives reflect true obedience to God’s Word (Matthew 7:21).

Apostle Hagan stressed that those who accept and obey the Word become models for others. “When you accept the Word of God, it must flow out of you for others to encounter Christ,” he said, citing Jude 1:23 and John 4:28.

He challenged the youth to preach the gospel wherever they find themselves, becoming ambassadors of Christ in their daily lives.

He concluded by urging the youth to hold firmly to their faith, live by the standards set by the Word of God, and strive to be examples in their communities.

“You must be a standard-bearer, holding onto the faith that comes from the Word of God,” Apostle Hagan affirmed, calling on the youth to stand strong in their faith and actively spread the Good News.

 Present at the service were the Ashanti Bekwai Area Head, Apostle Fred Tiakor; Jerome Nyanzu-Cudjoe (Area Youth Pastor / Manso Akropong District), and a cross-section of the area pastorate and youth.



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