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Overcoming Shyness: Embracing Our God-Given Talents

Recent observations have revealed that many teenagers struggle with shyness. They often underestimate themselves and resort to excuses like “what if.” This tendency can prevent them from pursuing opportunities where they could excel. However, it’s important to remember that God has endowed us with unique talents and gifts, making us special. The enemy works hard to distract us from using these gifts, with shyness, self-doubt, and fear of failure being some of his greatest weapons.


The Bible offers us wisdom in 1 Timothy 4:12, where Paul encourages Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because of his youth. Being young should not hinder exploration and growth. I can relate to this, having faced similar struggles in my teenage years. The fear of making mistakes often led me to shy away from trying new things, causing me to miss out on discovering my gifts and talents.


This pattern is reflected in the story of Moses in Exodus 4:10, where he made excuses and highlighted his flaws to avoid his calling. Today, many teenagers find themselves in similar situations, offering excuses and running away from opportunities. Let’s explore some reasons behind this behavior:


Lack of Self-Awareness:

Many young people have yet to recognize their potential. If you don’t confront your shyness and step out of your comfort zone, you might never realize what you can achieve. I learned that when I decided to overcome my shyness, I discovered talents I never knew I had—such as writing books and doing voiceovers. There’s a saying: a shell must break before a bird can fly. If you don’t break free from shyness, you’ll never shine or uncover the greatness within you.


Identity in Christ:

Another contributing factor is a lack of understanding of one’s identity in Christ. It saddens me to see individuals retreating into their shells, hesitant to try new things, and attributing their reluctance to shyness. Brothers and sisters in Christ, remember that we are made in the image and glory of God (Genesis 1:27), which means we carry His nature. Jesus never shied away from His calling; otherwise, we wouldn’t be saved. Furthermore, 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we are a chosen generation, called to do great works. We cannot allow shyness to hinder our paths. Criticism is inevitable, but let it be a stepping stone, not a barrier.


Steps to Overcome Shyness:


  1. Mindset Shift: Change begins in the mind. You must purpose in your heart to conquer shyness. I realized that avoiding opportunities was holding me back, so I committed to embracing every chance I got. Opening up to leaders and authorities like my presiding elder and my youth leader at my worship center encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone.


  1. Seek the Holy Spirit’s Help: You can’t do this alone. Intentionally pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. As John 14:26 tells us, the Holy Spirit is our Helper, and we need His assistance.

So, brothers and sisters, let’s ground ourselves in this truth. Let’s reach out and embrace the gifts God has deposited within us, refusing to let shyness take over.



Written by: Miriam Korkor Annor

Dr. S.K. Baidoo Worship Centre (Tarkwa)

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