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PENSA – HTU “Agorve-Woe Outreach” Records 46 Souls

The Ho Technical University (HTU) branch of the Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA) organised a five-day rural evangelism outreach at Heleglokope community within the Agorve-Woe District of the Church of Pentecost.

The event, which took place from Wednesday 24 to Sunday 28, April 2024 is an annual soul-winning initiative of PENSA-HTU held at the end of the second semester of the academic year. This year’s outreach was held under the theme “Jesus Christ, the Light of the World” (John 8:12).

The PENSA-HTU team, led by the ITI Travelling Secretary for Lower Volta, Pastor Edgar Kwasi Karikari and wife, Mrs. Bridget Karikari and the Pensa President, Elder Benjamin Antwi was received on arrival at Heleglokope by the Agorve-Woe District Minister, Pastor Francis Lamptey. He commended their passion for soul winning and prayed with them for a successful outreach.

The outreach was characterised by the following activities: Open air rally in the evenings, house to house evangelism during the day and Morning Prayer sessions with the members of the Ashiata sub-zone and the outreach team at Ashiata Church building.

At the end of the five-day event, 46 souls were won with 45 of the converts baptised by immersion. Thirty eight (38) of the converts received the Holy Spirit baptism.

The team also donated 10 plastic chairs and other freebies to the members of the newly inaugurated Assembly. Pastor Francis Lamptey offered great appreciation to the team for their kind gesture. He assured them that intensive discipleship programs will be rolled out to conserve the harvest and also ground the new converts in the Lord.

Report by Agorve-Woe District Media Team

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