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In a stirring address to Christian youth leaders, Pastor Emmanuel Opoku Mensah, the LA Area Youth Pastor of the Church of Pentecost, issued a compelling call to action: “Possess the campuses for Christ Jesus.” This challenge was delivered during a presentation on “The Campus Takeover Evangelistic Drive (CTED),” highlighting the critical importance of campus ministry.

Pastor Opoku Mensah described university campuses as “the most expansive mission field, yet the most fragile.” The CTED initiative aims to empower young Christians to reach out to their peers, ultimately leading everyone on campus to Jesus Christ.

“We are looking to raise leaders who are heavenly-minded yet earthly relevant,” Pastor Mensah explained. He outlined several key reasons for focusing on campus evangelism:

Strategic importance: Campuses represent a concentrated area of future leaders and influencers.

Learning environment: The academic setting provides unique opportunities for spiritual growth alongside intellectual development.

Diversity: Campuses bring together people from various backgrounds, creating a microcosm of society.

Potential: Students are at a formative stage in their lives, open to new ideas and personal growth.

The Campus Takeover Evangelistic Drive (CTED) initiative seeks to accomplish two primary objectives: “to build students up firmly in the Christian community and to encourage them to live boldly for Jesus in their daily lives.”

Pastor Opoku Mensah emphasized that campus ministry is not just about converting individuals, but about transforming entire institutions. “By reaching students now, we are shaping the future of our society,” he said. “We are cultivating leaders who will carry their faith into every sector of society.”

As Christian organizations worldwide grapple with declining youth engagement, initiatives like the Campus Takeover Evangelistic Drive represent a proactive approach to nurturing faith among young adults. The Church of Pentecost’s focus on campus ministry underscores the vital role that educational institutions play in shaping both individual faith journeys and the broader cultural landscape.

With this call to “possess the university’s campuses,” every young Christian is challenged to view their educational journey not just as a path to personal success, but as a divine appointment to influence their generation for Christ.

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