A wise real estate friend once said, “Any village or town within a 30-minute to 1-hour drive from a city will likely become part of that city within 5-10 years.” This insight highlights cities’ constant expansion, transforming once-quiet towns into thriving metropolises.
I’ve witnessed this transformation firsthand in places like Ahwetieso, now a suburb of Tarkwa, and Adenteim, part of Takoradi city (Western Region, Ghana). When we return to our hometowns after years away, we’re often struck by the changes – new roads, neighbors, amenities, and infrastructure.
This reflection isn’t about real estate; it’s about embracing the fundamental principle of life: change. Those who see beyond the present moment will make informed decisions that benefit themselves, their families, teams, and businesses.
As youths, investing in the future today is often more affordable than waiting. Our ability to see beyond now unlocks future opportunities. A retired Apostle of the COP exemplified this foresight by grooming three future Chairmen, transforming raw talent into masterpieces.
Celebrating success is easy, but it takes visionaries to recognize potential and nurture it. Today’s National Service personnel can become tomorrow’s industry leaders.
Don’t underestimate opportunities that may not yield immediate gains. See beyond now.
— Peter Adonteng