The Youth Director of the Church of Pentecost has advised the youth to do their best to do the will of God revealing that not all who proclaim, prophesy, cast devils, and speak in the Lord’s name will enter into the kingdom of God.
He made this profound statement when he visited Techiman Zone precisely Techiman Central during his visit to Techiman Area and spoke on the topic “Doing the will of God” on 22nd November 2019, using Matthew 7:21-27 as his main text.
Pastor Hagan boldly declared without mincing words that prophesying, cast devils, speaking in the Lord’s name is good but forgetting to do the will of God is a stray. Any person who does the will of God is like a person who builds his house on a rock though turbulent times may come his house will not fall, but he who only listens but does not practices God’s word is liken to a person who builds his house on the sand and when turbulent times came it fell miserably.

During his presentation, Director highlighted that Jesus is the Rock and the youth can get to heaven when they listen to the word of God, do the will of God and build their lives on Jesus
“The Youth Ministry seeks to ground young people in Christ not on a trustee’s faith but on a personal level” he added.
Pastor Hagan ended his presentation by walking the youth through “the portrait of a young person” in the Vision of the Youth Ministry.
- A young person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ through an encounter with the gospel, and is committed to Him.
- A young person who treasures his or her devotional time with the Lord
- A young person, who continues in the word of God daily, is responsible for his or her own spiritual growth, walks in step with the Holy Spirit, and makes the choices of life under the Spirit’s guidance.
- A young person who is in love with Christ and passionately shares Christ’s love with others through Christlike character and the preaching of the gospel
- A versatile young person who is equipped spiritually, socially, physically, emotionally, personally, and intellectually, and is relevant to society.
- A young person who loves the Church, and readily serves with his or her God-given ministry and abilities to help build the Church and to possess the nations.
The service ended with a prayer session. Present at the meeting were Aps. Asante Ayeh (Area Head -Techiman), Ps. Kwame Pipiim (Youth Pastor – Techiman) and wife, Ps. Ako Addo – National Youth Secretary, and other District Pastors and their wives.
The Youth Director did not only the Techiman Zones but also Nkoranza Zone, and Wenchi Zone.
He ardently spoke on the Vision of the Youth Ministry for the next four year at the Nkoranza and Wenchi Zone and the Youth were so fascinated about the “Hey brother, Hey Sister be grounded movement”.